
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 3 - Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-Thon

[ RED ]
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of red? Anger
  2. Closest red thing to you? Ha! the business card of someone I don't like very much - a control freaky colleague
  3. What is the last thing that made you angry? Personal. Sorry, boundary. But it was only a couple of days ago.
  4. Are you a fan of romance? Sometimes. It depends.
  5. Do you have a temper? Yes. It is usually well in check.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of green? Trees.
  2. Closest green thing to you? A little packet of papier d'armenie (incense)
  3. What's your favourite green environment? The woods.
  4. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Not at this exact moment.
  5. Are you a lucky person? Yes, most of the time.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of purple? The poem: When I am old, I shall wear a purple hat.
  2. Closest purple thing to you? The sweater I'm wearing.
  3. Do you like being treated like royalty? Yes!
  4. Do you like mysterious things? Sometimes. 
  5. Are you intuitive? Definitely. But probably not as intuitive as I THINK I am.
[ BLUE ]
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of blue? Calm.
  2. Closest blue thing to you? The Fish & Bird T-shirt on my laundry pile.
  3. Are you good at calming people down? Mostly.
  4. What's your favourite body of water (i.e. lake, ocean, etc)? Atlantic Ocean (and I can see it out my window - or will be able to, once the sun comes up)
  5. What was the last thing that made you cry? Again, a boundary. But it was only yesterday.
  6. Are you a logical thinker? Often.

  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of yellow? Baby chicks.
  2. Closest yellow thing to you? A NoName matchbook.
  3. What was one of the happiest times of your life? Most days since I moved home to Nova Scotia.
  4. What's your favourite holiday? Good Friday.
  5. What makes you happy? Being busy!
[ PINK ]
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of pink? Girlie girl stuff. (Yuck.)
  2. Closest pink thing to you? Piece of fabric I use to drape a table at the market when I sell baked goods in the summer.
  3. What sweet things do you like? All of them.
  4. Are you sensitive? Yes.
  5. What is your favourite flower? Hunh, normally I'd say brown-eyed susan, but the first thought that came into my head this morning was: Daisy.
  6. Does you have a crush on someone? Yes, I am smitten.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of orange? Joy.
  2. Closest orange thing to you? The cover of my first CD.
  3. Do you dress up for Halloween? Rarely.
  4. What gives you the warm fuzzies? My woodstove.
  5. What would your superpower be? Hrrm, to sexy to say.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of brown? Rich Earth.
  2. Closest brown thing to you? The cover of my friend, Craig Werth's CD, Sideview.
  3. What is your favourite type of chocolate? I think those President's Choice "Swiss" bars - sweet and cheap.
  4. What makes you feel grounded? The Beach.
  5. Paint the wood or always leave it au naturel? Au naturel.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of white? Purity.
  2. Closest white thing to you? Paper. Piles and piles of messy paper. Sigh.
  3. Do you always try to keep the peace? Yep.
  4. Do you like to play in the snow? Yes. I still make snow angels when I get the chance.
  5. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? I used to be afraid of going to the dentist, but now that I got to the student Dental Clinic at Dalhousie University, I am not.
  1. What's the first thing you think of when you think of black? Death.
  2. Closest black thing to you? The keys on my laptop keyboard (so close, we're touching)
  3. Are you sophisticated or silly? Definitely silly.
  4. Do you have a lot of secrets? Um, I keep a lot of other people's secrets and I'm mindful of my own, too. I have A VAULT.
  5. What's the new black? Olive green.


  1. Hmmm that 's a good Poem "when I'm old. . ."
    I'm with you on the pink girlie stuff. It's my least favorite of the colors.
    When I saw that you thought of DEATH with the word black it made me laugh. Even though I am sure that is a common association.
    Sexy super power?? hmmm ;-)

    1. Haha, proofreading was clearly not my superpower the day I wrote this - it should have been "TOO sexy to say." LOL!

  2. The beach also makes me feel grounded. When I'm troubled I like to walk it.

  3. I love that you thought of the "when I'm old I'll wear purple" for that colour. And that you thought of death for black...very deep! I should go back and change my jealous answer to "yes" -- that you are so close to the Atlantic Ocean! :)

    1. It is awesome out here. I don't blame you for feeling a little green :-)

  4. So, I'm curious - first CD? Do you create music then? I enjoyed reading your responses.

    1. Thanks, nowandzenn! Yes, you can have a listen to my music at :-) I hope you enjoy!

  5. I'm curious about your CD as well! Is there somewhere online that we can buy / listen to it?

    1. Yes, Heather, thanks for asking: - you can have a listen there :-)

  6. I love how clearly you set your boundaries and that you have a vault. There's such a sense of safety there. And thanks for sharing baby chicks, hehe; it made me smile to think of baby chicks this morning!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank 'ee, Momo! You feel like joining the Blog-a-Thon?
